Uncharted Game Released For Mobile

Background on the Uncharted series

Origins and console releases

The Uncharted series first launched in 2007 as an action-adventure franchise exclusive to PlayStation consoles. Over the years it has garnered critical acclaim and a passionate fanbase for its Indiana Jones-esque tale of treasure hunter Nathan Drake. Mainline entries have appeared on PS3, PS4, and even PS Vita.

Main characters and story 

The games follow Nathan Drake and his associates like mentor Victor "Sully" Sullivan as they travel the world in search of historical artifacts and lost riches while fighting antagonists who seek the treasures for their own gain. The plot lines weave action, mystery and drama together.

Gameplay and key features

Core gameplay combines 3D platforming and combat, challenging players to navigate environments and engage in firefights against mercenaries, pirates, and more. Cinematic set-piece moments are also used extensively. The games have always pushed console graphics as well.

Uncharted: Fortune Hunter announced  

Developers and publishers

Sony partnered with mobile developer Rival Games to produce an Uncharted title for iOS and Android devices. Publisher Sony Pictures handles the franchise itself.

Platforms and release date  

Uncharted: Fortune Hunter launched on May 5th, 2016 for [iOS and Android devices](https://www.rivalgames.com/uncharted).

Game details and features

Story and characters

The game stars Nathan Drake, this time hunting for the fabled gold of Henry Every which is hidden around the world. Sully appears to help Nate in his globetrotting adventure.

Gameplay and mechanics

Fortune Hunter adapts the series into an "endless runner" game with swipe and tap gestures used to control Drake's jumping, sliding and grappling on his chase for treasure. Puzzles must also be solved by manipulating artifacts.


As a free-to-play mobile title, Fortune Hunter incentivizes in-app purchases for cosmetics, consumables and progression boosts. This disappointed some expecting a premium game.

Fan reception and initial reviews

Excitement to see franchise on mobile

Fans expressed enthusiasm for Uncharted expanding to the mobile space and allowing new audiences to experience a beloved PlayStation IP known for its cinematic action.

Concerns about freemium model   

However some hardcore fans showed discontent with Fortune Hunter's free-to-play structure that pushes monetization through in-app purchases.

Early game impressions

Initial gameplay impressions were mixed, with some feeling core Uncharted elements were streamlined effectively into quick mobile sessions while others found it a dull imitation of the console experience.

Future of the mobile game and series 

Possibility of more Uncharted mobile games  

The success of this initial freemium Uncharted title could lead Sony to greenlight more mobile-first games leveraging the adventurous franchise, although likely with different genres and monetization models.

Impact on console installments

It remains unlikely that the simplified mobile spin-off marks a shift away from the grand cinematic vision that has defined flagship Uncharted console releases for over a decade. A new PS5 entry is likely in the works.


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